International Women's Day Q&A: Women in Human Rights
- News
- 8 Mar 2023
To mark International Women’s Day 2023 we interviewed some of the inspiring women from our network.
Listen below to our audio Q&A for insight into some incredible of the women we work with, their careers in human rights and their take on issues of gender equality.
We interviewed:
⚖️Hsinyi Lin, the Executive Director at Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty (TAEDP). Listen now to hear her experiences of gender equality in her career.
⚖️Juliet Mamawa Kaikai, an African feminist lawyer and AdvocAid’s Legal Manager. We asked Juliet why she pursued a career in human rights and what stereotypes women in the legal sphere often face.
⚖️Amanda Clift-Matthews, UK Criminal Barrister at Doughty Street Chambers. An experienced appellate practitioner, Amanda appears at the highest level in criminal and human rights cases and has worked on numerous cases on women in the penal system, as well as death penalty cases alongside The Death Penalty Project. We asked Amanda what inspired her career as a criminal barrister and what advice she can give to other young aspiring barristers.
Listen now:
More about the organisations
TAEDP is an organisation established in 2003 with the hope that Taiwan will one day become a country without the death penalty. To find out more visit: www.taedp.org.tw/en or follow them on Facebook: taedpforum
AdvocAid is a feminist organisation providing holistic access to justice for women and girls caught up in Sierra Leone’s justice system. Find out more about Juliet and the work of AdvocAid here: https://advocaidsl.org/
Doughty Street Chambers has offices in London and Manchester. Members advise clients all over the world in multiple legal jurisdictions, and many are called to overseas Bars allowing them to appear in foreign courts. To find out more about Amanda and Doughty Street Chambers visit: https://www.doughtystreet.co.uk/